Then I look at real estate listing photos and I can't believe how many people are clueless about how to properly clean up, tidy or decorate for photograph day! Now, sometimes the realtor may be at fault for not properly advising their clients how to stage their home to sell it, but I also have good friends in the real estate business and I know that try as they might to be tactful and convincing in their efforts to get homeowners to clean up so they can properly market the home, sometimes homeowners are downright stubborn and just don't follow their realtor's advice.
Here are some examples of GOOD real estate staging, and BAD for business... guess which is which!
Anyway, let's start with this: PACK UP THE CLUTTER! The plastic bins in bright primary colors that hold all of the toys, the laundry, the stacks of books or paper in office areas. Imagine if you went into a model home presented by a builder and you saw stacks of paperwork, trash, or construction supplies stacked all over the interior of the model home - what would you think? Of course you'd think the builder was sloppy, careless and took no pride in what they were showing you. It really boggles my mind the way some people live (we've all seen an episode or two of Clean House or Hoarders), but even more baffling is the way some people think it's in "show" condition.