Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hello blog audience, sorry for the lapse in blog updates... I will be moving into a hotel early tomorrow for a couple of days while my own home gets a fresh new paint job inside, top-to-bottom! I'm very excited about it but it certainly has taken up a lot of time this week preparing each room for the paint contractor and his crew (not to mention my 14 year old son telling me to "stop trying so many paint samples on the walls - they are starting to look like Fred Flintstone's clothes!").  So yes, I want every room to be just right and I've tried several paint colors to make sure I get exactly the look I want.  I can't overstate the importance of doing this... for instance, I color I thought for sure I'd be using in my home after seeing it in another home turned the ugliest, drab gray once it was sampled on my walls.  The various lights of day and other surrounding surfaces such as tile and carpet can completely change what you think you are going to get.

I'll post more next week. Until then, happy decorating!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Make sure you post photos when its finished!

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